University of Washington Communications Building Exterior Masonry Restoration
Built to the campus standards with terra cotta, stone, and masonry, the UW was concerned with preserving the architectural detail of this aged facility that was in need of waterproofing, cleaning and replacing areas of material deterioration.
Scope included repairing and waterproofing the building’s terra cotta coping, stone and parapets. SMSA designed an approach to clean and apply a water repellent to the masonry walls; replaced window caulking; replaced damaged and spalled bricks, and installed new through wall flashings.
The building is used year round, so work was completed during the slower summer months. The UW was extremely sensitive to the possibility of hazardous materials contamination. SMSA worked closely with the client and contractors to assure that air quality was kept in check for the project duration.
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Scott Stemper, AIA